Patra Truck Bodies

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Every truck body project is hand built to your specification

With our staff trained and certified in all aspects of steel fabrication, we can provide you with a wide range of steel products that have been measured to accuracy and cut to perfection. We will design, build, and customise a truck body solution to suit any purpose regardless of the industry we are serving.

Curtain Siders


Table Tops / Trays


Custom Bodies

Insulated Bodies

At Patra Truck Bodies, we specialise in the manufacture of all type of truck bodies

Established in 1981 Patra Truck Bodies manufacture a range of rigid bodies. The key to Patra Truck Bodies success all these years is simple.

We adhere to our market and ensure that our products are delivered on time, provide an excellent return on investment for our clients and are manufactured with a consistently high standard of quality.

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We repair and modify used truck bodies, from replacement sides to new floors, or complete refurbisment.


Trusted By The Biggest
Fleets in Australia

Patra Truck Bodies is the preferred truck body supplier for some of the largest fleets in Australia because we deliver highly reliable truck bodies for any commercial vehicle.


Full Compliance With
All Industry Regulations

Despite the fact that all of our build services are guaranteed, we also offer a full service maintenance program that ensures compliance with all industry regulations


Using Australian Steel,
All Components Built In-house

Patra Truck Bodies uses Australian made steel to manufacture all of its own truck components in-house using the latest in technology, machinery and design.


Need to Contact us?

Located in Padstow, Sydney, Patra Truck Bodies specializes in custom truck body builds, modifications, repairs, and custom designs. We can build any kind of body you require on any type of vehicle. You can expect friendly, professional service and approachable advice from our expert technicians who deliver made-to-measure, quality products.

Please Feel Free To Email Us

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    What Our Clients Say

    Our team of admin staff, technicians, body builders, spray painters, and body builders at Parta Truck Body would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our past and present clients for all the support they have shown us over the years as well as for taking the time to write reviews and send testimonials of appreciation.

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